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Green Remodeling Tips

Westside Remodeling

Green remodeling isn’t a new idea, and it certainly isn’t a passing fad. Anyone who is interested in their health and global warming can benefit from the green remodeling tips presented here.

Contrary to popular thought, utilizing green technology in your home or commercial building isn’t that expensive, although the cost may be slightly higher than conventional methods of remodeling. However, it does require a conscious effort on your part to implement green strategies for remodeling that are better for your health as well as for the environment.

Start by installing energy-efficient windows and skylights to illuminate your home naturally, while preventing the exterior air from affecting your interior temperature. For nighttime lighting, have energy-efficient lighting fixtures installed, including dimmer switches and motion sensors that turn off the lights for you when you leave the room.

Install energy-saving heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) components, reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. This strategy also saves you money on your utility bill.

Consider a tankless hot water heater or a system that recirculates to cut back on water consumption. Recycling grey water may not yet be approved in your location, so be sure to check local ordinances first.

VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are one of the top pollutants found in a home. They include a long list of chemicals, many of which are toxic in high quantities, produce respiratory problems, and pollute the atmosphere. Avoiding VOCs is easily accomplished by using:

  • Formaldehyde-free insulation
  • Paints, stains, and finishes that are free of VOCs
  • Hardwood cabinetry, molding, and furniture (Hardwoods include cherry, mahogany, oak, and maple, just to name a few.)
  • Carpets made from recycled fibers, vegetable-based dyes, and fabrics

Use engineered lumber to construct an addition. Engineered lumber is manufactured from smaller pieces of wood that are put together to save trees. They are strong and typically plumb and square, making them easy to use.

If you remodel your home or office building, remember to stay green by recycling discarded wiring, paneling, and so on. Green remodeling is a great way to save money, stay healthy, and protect the environment around you.

Need help with environmentally friendly remodeling? Call the best remodeling contractor in Thousand Oaks: Westside Remodeling. Call us at 805.499.4121 or visit us online at https://westsideremodeling.com.

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